

Planning a Generational Impact

Planning a Generational Impact Earlier this month, the United States celebrated Grandparent’s Day, which serves as a reminder to appreciate the hard work and dedication of generations before us (regardless of our current age). However, as Intergenerational Month, September also marks a time to reflect further down the family tree and think about our impact on those who come after

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Take Charge of Your Future During Self-Improvement Month

Take Charge of Your Future During Self-Improvement Month As both Self-Improvement Month and Self-Care Awareness Month, September serves as a strong reminder to take time out of our busy calendars and turn the spotlight on ourselves. Representing two sides of the same coin, self-improvement asks the question “how can I push myself to meet my goals?”, while self-care asks, “how

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Join Life Happens and NAIFA for a Special Chat During #LIAM19

Join Life Happens and NAIFA for a Special Chat During #LIAM19 Join Life Happens and NAIFA representatives on Thursday, September 26th from 1:00-2:00pm EDT as we moderate a Twitter Chat focused on findings from the 2019 Insurance Barometer Study. There will be plenty of activity from the media, insurance companies, agents and consumers. We hope this chat helps promote life insurance awareness

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Promoting Women’s Equality in Retirement Planning

Promoting Women’s Equality in Retirement Planning Since 1971, the United States has celebrated Women’s Equality Day on August 26. Although the occasion originally commemorated the passage of the 19th amendment, which gave women the right to vote, today it recognizes and encourages people and organizations to promote the full equality for women in society. We recognize equality spreads the gamut,

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5 Questions Expecting Moms Have About Life Insurance

5 Questions Expecting Moms Have About Life Insurance If you are expecting a child and are considering life insurance, the first thing I have to say is—smart move! But if this is your first time looking for coverage, you may have questions. Here are some typical ones I’ve heard over the years: 1. What type of life insurance coverage is best

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Back To School Financial Guide For 2019

Back To School Financial Guide For 2019 In a recent study conducted by the ‘National Retail Federation and Prosper Insights and Analytics’, it was found that the average American family will spend just south of $700 for back-to-school costs in 2019. Is your child soon to be a college student? The same survey reported you should be ready to spend

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Back to School: Five Surefire Ways to Boost Your Financial Education

Back to School: Five Surefire Ways to Boost Your Financial Education August is an exciting time of year. As the start of a new semester approaches, families across the country begin to pull themselves out of vacation mode and think more critically about the future. A spirit of learning is in the air, which makes things just a little brighter

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How to Transform Financial Stress into Retirement Confidence

How to Transform Financial Stress into Retirement Confidence Financial stress is the number one source of stress for employees, according to a Price Waterhouse Coopers 2019 survey. Financial matters outrank any other source of stress combined, including health and relationships. Retirement can be a key driver in that stress with nine out of 10 people reporting they don’t feel very

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3 Ways to Help a Charity With a Gift of Life Insurance

3 Ways to Help a Charity With a Gift of Life Insurance America is a charitable nation. More than two-thirds of Americans (69%) give to charity each year. That means you probably do too. But did you know that there are other ways to give to charities besides just writing a check or supporting a Go Fund Me campaign? A

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Sizzlin’ Summer Series: PART 3

Sizzlin’ Summer Series: PART 3 What does Summer remind you of? Maybe it’s the feeling of jumping into a cool pool after a day in the summer heat; or maybe it’s the sound of the ice cream truck as you are bolting out the door with whatever change you could get your hands on. From lazy days in air conditioning

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