IALC’s Retirement 2022 Survival Guide: The Three Things to Know About FIAs Planning your retirement and finances for 2022? Doing your research about the best retirement solutions can be difficult. Heavy retirement jargon is often used and not explained, deterring those looking to retire from learning more about how to best prepare. What beginners need is a Retirement Survival Guide
Concerned about market volatility? Here’s one way to protect your retirement savings. Now that we’ve entered a bear market for the first time since 2009, many pre-retirees are likely asking questions about the impact on their retirement savings. Will the stock market sell-off wipe out years of growth in their 401(k)s? Are there any steps that can be taken to
Recap: What happened to the retirement landscape in 2019? As 2019 comes to an end, it’s worth taking a moment to reflect back on what took place in the retirement landscape during the past 12 months and how it could affect those preparing for life after work. In recent years, the United States has witnessed a shift from employer-based retirement
Changing Seasons in Retirement The holidays are just around the corner, meaning it’s almost time to prepare for parties, travel, gift-giving and more. But what’s good for the spirit can be hard on the wallet. Without a proper plan in place, it can be easy to lose track of how much you’ve spent, which might affect your financial goals. The
Don’t Just Be Ready; Be Game Ready Everyone’s idea of the “perfect retirement” is different. Some of us plan to travel the world, while others hope to move to a new location, perhaps with a warmer climate. Still others might wish to live frugally so they have a sizable nest egg they can pass on to future generations. No matter
Does your financial plan hold up to scrutiny? As National Financial Planning Month, October serves as a good opportunity for an annual check-up on your financial health to ensure you’re on track to meet your goals. Whether those goals are specific to retirement or not, regular checks can help prevent any unnecessary surprises. Moreover, if you haven’t set any goals,
Planning a Generational Impact Earlier this month, the United States celebrated Grandparent’s Day, which serves as a reminder to appreciate the hard work and dedication of generations before us (regardless of our current age). However, as Intergenerational Month, September also marks a time to reflect further down the family tree and think about our impact on those who come after
Take Charge of Your Future During Self-Improvement Month As both Self-Improvement Month and Self-Care Awareness Month, September serves as a strong reminder to take time out of our busy calendars and turn the spotlight on ourselves. Representing two sides of the same coin, self-improvement asks the question “how can I push myself to meet my goals?”, while self-care asks, “how
Promoting Women’s Equality in Retirement Planning Since 1971, the United States has celebrated Women’s Equality Day on August 26. Although the occasion originally commemorated the passage of the 19th amendment, which gave women the right to vote, today it recognizes and encourages people and organizations to promote the full equality for women in society. We recognize equality spreads the gamut,
Back to School: Five Surefire Ways to Boost Your Financial Education August is an exciting time of year. As the start of a new semester approaches, families across the country begin to pull themselves out of vacation mode and think more critically about the future. A spirit of learning is in the air, which makes things just a little brighter