Our Company Values

For those who are looking for financial advice, we realize the available options are many and deciding who to work with is a challenging problem. Listed below are our Company Values which we hope will give you a better understanding of how we operate.

  1. People Matter – We believe that each person is innately valuable and worthy of respect and honor. We believe that relationships matter and that business is relational, top to bottom. People First, Money Second is a priority statement that places people and relationships ahead of financial matters.
  2. Integrity Matters – We believe that integrity and truth matter. We believe we need to conduct our business in such a way that we are “above reproach. We believe suitability and ethical practices come from placing a high value on other people and their needs before our own.
  3. Communication Matters – We believe that communication with our client partners builds and maintains the trust that is necessary for business relationships to reach their full potential. We believe that our client partners deserve the type of communication that is frequent, timely, truthful, & relevant.
  4. Service Matters – We believe that good service is practical and that great service is necessary in the pursuit of business excellence. We will pursue perfection and in so doing “catch a little excellence along the way.” (Vince Lombardi)

Caryl Lenahan

Caryl Lenahan Financial

For 46 years, Caryl has been unique as one of the few women to succeed early on in the male-dominated world of financial advising. We have heard the popular phrase, “the joy of  money”; with Caryl, it’s “the joy of people”.

A graduate of Florida State, Caryl brings an enviable resume of professional training and experiences to today’s vastly changing world of retirement planning. Her Master’s Degree in Guidance and Counseling from the University of Georgia has provided her with insights and techniques for going beyond the nine dots as she helps  people through the financial maze they find themselves in.

Experience is a great teacher! Rather than being turned off by textbook concepts or technical jargon, you find yourself fascinated by Caryl’s style of making key points by sharing stories of what she has learned from her clients, friends, and personal experiences over the years.

Caryl is well known for the creation and teaching of dozens and dozens of financial empowerment classes in the Sarasota area and nationally. Her background as a published author, speaker, and industry leader through the economic ups and downs of 46 years in business is priceless!

Moving to Sarasota from Denver in 1992, Caryl has embraced her own aging process by being involved in the learning and leadership sides of Sarasota’s “Positive Aging’s Committees, Conferences and Newsletters. And, compared to her younger financial advising counterparts, Caryl brings a multitude of “proven” ideas, strategies and wisdom to the retirement challenges of longevity, inflation, and health challenges, and retirement income that lasts as long as you do! A real passion for Caryl is helping her clients set up “Living Legacy Programs for their grandchildren; hence, Grandparents Saving America!

A meeting with Caryl is a warm, educational, and empowering experience! You are heard! You matter! You see your resources in a new, more meaningful light with strategies to maximize your retirement income and provide much desire financial security!

Plan For Your Future

There is no one “best place” to put your retirement money because each individual and couple has unique requirements, different tolerances for risk, and need their money at different times. Likewise, there is no one place to keep your money that fits everyone for exactly the same reasons. Your unique circumstances must be taken into consideration if you seek to find the “most favorable place” for your retirement money. This is where we can be of service.