A Retirement Recipe for a Hearty Turkey Day

Coming to you from the Indexed Annuity Leadership Council (IALC) is a new recipe to add to your Thanksgiving menu. We all have our Thanksgiving favorites, from turkey to stuffing, to sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, and more. But as you sit around your table reflecting on all you have to be thankful for, we encourage you to also think about your recipe for a happy retirement.

Retirement brings Americans many joys. After years of hard work and dedication to the workforce, your golden years is a time to travel, visit friends and catch up on all the things you never had time to do. It is a time to enjoy your hobbies and not feel like you are in a rush and most importantly, it is when you have time to spend with your family. Because of all this and much more, it is not surprising our data on the state of America’s workforce found that 57 percent of Americans are excited about the years ahead.

So, as you’re cooking up your Thanksgiving favorites, we encourage you to consider throwing this new recipe into the mix. These ingredients like contributions to an employer-sponsored 401(k) program or to fixed indexed annuities (FIAs) can create a deliciously balanced portfolio that can keep you and your family financially full for many Thanksgivings to come.

Check out this Thanksgiving Retirement Recipe from the IALC:
Succulent Savings
Serves: You and your family
Nutritional Information: Guarantees are dependent upon the claims-paying ability of the issuing company.


Step 1: Measure your spending with our customizable retirement calculators. Begin by identifying all your expenses, including lifestyle, healthcare, etc. and create a budget. Be sure to include a healthy splash of saving for retirement in your monthly reoccurring expenses. This ensures that you are putting something toward your retirement savings each and every month.

Step 2: Combine your employer’s retirement plan into the mixture. Check whether your employer offers savings options like a 401(k) and if they’re willing to match it. The money you allocate to your 401(k) will come from your paycheck, and go directly into the savings pot. (Note: remember to read all instructions as our data found the larger the company size, the more that employees feel informed about retirement planning.)

Step 3: Bake in a fixed indexed annuity. The featured ingredient, fixed indexed annuities, or FIAs, can help to balance the flavors of your portfolio while providing guaranteed lifetime income in retirement. Our retirement-readiness research shows that workers are, above all, looking for lifetime income (78 percent). This goal is quickly followed by having stability of income (76 percent) and principal protection (71 percent). However, what might be the most important part of retirement planning is a diversified portfolio.

Step 4: Dig in! Enjoy your Thanksgiving with family and friends and feel confident that your retirement savings strategy will be hearty and satisfying for years to come.

The post A Retirement Recipe for a Hearty Turkey Day appeared first on IALC.

Source: Indexed Annuity Insights

A Retirement Recipe for a Hearty Turkey Day

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